Sunday, September 21, 2014

Italian pick up lines

The following Italian pick up lines are simply funny, amazing and most importantly very attractive if you have the right body language and the right communication skills. If you would like more information about the subject, you can check out my other posts in this website.
  1. Sei la donna più bella che abbia mai vista. English translation: You are the most beautiful/attractive/gorgeous woman that I have ever seen.
  2. Scusami, mi ero perso nei tuoi occhi. English translation: Excuse me; I was lost in your eyes.
  3. Sono innamorata. English translation: I am in love.
  4. Ti va da andare a prendere un caffè? English translation: Would you like to go out for/have a cup of coffee?
  5. Sei stato un bellissimo spreco di tempo. English translation: You were a beautiful waste of time.
  6. Ciao bella. English translation: Hi/hello beautiful.
  7. il mio cuore batte più velocemente. English translation: My heart beats faster/quicker.
  8. Sei la mia anima gemella. English translation: You are my soulmate.
  9. il cuore English translation: The heart.
  10. Mi sono innamorata di te . English translation: I'm in love with you.
  11. Ho una cotta per te. English translation: I have a crush/liking on you.
  12. Ci vieni spesso qui? English translation: Do you come here often?
  13. Il romanticism. English translation: Being romantic.
  14. Un mazzo di rose? English translation: A bouquet of roses?
  15. Una a lume di candela? English translation: a candle light dinner?
  16. Ho perso il mio numero di telefono, potrebbe prestarmi il suo? English translation: I lost my telephone number, could I borrow yours?
  17. Scusa...non ci siamo già visti prima? English translation: Excuse me...have we met before?
  18. Ciao, ma sei ....? English translation: Hi, but you're.... (Italian men use this often; they call a woman and act as if they know her)
  19. Complimenti alla tua mamma. English translation: My compliments to your mother.
  20. Inammorarsi. English translation: to fall in love.
  21. Aspetti qualcuno? English translation: Are you expecting / waiting for someone?
  22. Andiamo da te o da me? English translation: Your place or mine?
  23. Nel cielo manca un angelo? English translation: Is heaven missing an angel?
  24. Oh, ma queste sono scapole, pensavo che fossero delle ali! English translation: Oh, but these are shoulders. I thought they were wings!
  25. Sei l’uomo più bello che abbia mai visto. English translation: You are the most handsome/attractive guy that I have ever seen.
  26. Colpo di fulmine. English translation: love at first sight.
  27. Ti va di uscire qualche volta. English translation: Do you want to go out sometime?
  28. Non posso vivere senza di te! English translation: I can’t live without you.

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